Policy is our priority.

Ever since George Washington established the National Agriculture Board back in 1799, government policy and agriculture have been closely connected. Policy impacts every step of an organic operation from farm to market, and it’s important for organic farmers to be represented. Today, organic is a $47 billion industry in the United States, and while farmers are busy running their operations, Washington, D.C. never sleeps. Organic Farmers Association works hard to be your representation on a national level on issues important to your farm.

Our Policy Process at a Glance:

To set policy priorities the organization will:

1) Solicit opinions from all U.S. certified organic operations and Organization members annually, including policy position proposals.

2) Draft policy statements. Ultimately, Farmer Members will vote.

3)  For a position to become adopted as Organic Farmers Association policy, it must have 60% of the popular national vote and 60% popular support in at least two-thirds of the regions.”

Click here to read OFA’s full Policy Process.

One Farm One Vote

In our membership structure, every organic farm, and every organic farmer, is created equal. That means that regardless of the size of your operation,  each farm receives one vote on policy issues. Everyone has an equal voice at the table.

For Organic Farmers, By Organic Farmers

Although OFA will seek input and collaboration with many stakeholders, ultimately only U.S. certified organic farm members receive a vote and set policy priorities. This allows OFA to truly represent the interests of organic farmers.

Letters to Your Legislators

Why are letters to your legislators effective? When constituents can’t meet with their members of congress, writing letters, either physical or digital, are effective ways to communicate position and policy requests. The amount of mail received on an issue can help determine the congress member’s position on an issue. So if you’re looking to have your voice heard on organic agriculture topics, consider writing a letter in your own words using OFA’s action alert prompts to get you started.

Organic Farmers Association Policy Director 

Lily Hawkins joined Organic Farmers Association as Policy Director in 2022.  As Policy Director, Lily leads OFA policy work under the direction of the elected policy committee and coordinates closely with the Organic Farmers Association staff and Governing Council. Lily leads work on the farm bill, identifies Organic Farmers Association farmer members’ policy priorities, connects members with Congressional leaders, and ensures that our federal policies help support thriving independent organic farmers.