Looking for change in Washington, D.C?
We need YOU to take action. Check here for the most pressing action needed for vibrant organic farms.
Sign on your Support to Fight Organic Grain Fraud
Sign your support for legislation that will provide the NOP with more authority to require residue testing on high-risk imported grain feedstuffs to curb organic fraud and ensure organic integrity.
Restore Funding for the Organic Certification Cost Share Program
The 2018 Farm Bill has been extended again until on September 30, 2025. While major agricultural programs continue their operations, smaller critical initiatives like the Organic Cost Share Program were not extended. As an “orphan program,” the program required specific funding allocation to continue operating under the Farm Bill extension. Please contact your representative and urge them to support American organic farmers by reinstating this essential program.
Ask your U.S. Senators to support the WEATHER Act
The Withstanding Extreme Agricultural Threats by Harvesting Economic Resilience (WEATHER) Act of 2023 (S. 3401) is a bill that calls for the development of an index-based insurance policy that would better support farmers facing income losses after extreme weather events by reducing administrative hurdles and ensuring that insurance payouts are based on agricultural income losses. Send a message to your Senators asking them to include the WEATHER Act in the upcoming Farm Bill!
Urge Congress to Support Organic Farmers in the Farm Bill
Organic is the fastest growing sector of the U.S. agriculture system, with enormous potential to address climate change, help family farms flourish, revive rural communities and protect public health. But for organic agriculture to meet its potential, policies are needed to improve organic integrity, make USDA programs work for organic farmers, and remove barriers to organic production. Tell your members of Congress that we need a Farm Bill that supports organic farmers and grows the organic food system.
Support the Agriculture Resilience Act
Tell your Representative and Senators to support this bill and make farming part of the solution to climate change. Organic farmer Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME) and Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM) introduced the Agriculture Resilience Act in 2024. The bill sets a goal of reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in U.S. agriculture by the year 2040. With your support, we can get it included in the next Farm Bill.
Tell Agriculture Secretary Brooke Rollins that Organic is Soil-Based
Organic has always been rooted in the soil. Healthy soil is the foundation of an strong organic agricultural system integral to supporting healthy plants, healthy animals, and healthy people. Keeping organic rooted in the soil is at risk, and we need your help! Tell USDA Secretary Rollins that you support an organic label strongly rooted in healthy soil.
Tell Your Members of Congress to Support Organic Farmers
It’s never a bad time to tell your elected officials why they should support policies that organic farmers need. They always need to hear from their constituents what is really happening on the ground, especially on organic farms.