Organization Members
Thank you to all our Organization Members who support OFA and organic farmers throughout the year. Please explore and support these members as we all move this movement forward.
California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF)
Carolina Farm Stewardship Association (CFSA)
Central Plains Organic Farmers Association
Community Alliance with Family Farms (CAFF)
Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association
Michael Fields Agricultural Institute
National Organic Coalition (NOC)
Nebraska Sustainable Ag Society
Northeast Organic Dairy Producers Alliance (NODPA)
Northeast Organic Farming Association / Massachusetts Chapter (NOFA/Mass)
Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Hampshire (NOFA-NH)
Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York, Inc. (NOFA-NY)
Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont (NOFA-VT)
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA)
Organic Association of Kentucky (OAK)
Organic Consumers Association (OCA)